The power of being absolute!

You must go beyond, merely reaching another milestone, this in my mind leads to states of unfulfillment.

If you need to reach a certain point and you reached it what then? Yes, you re-adjust and refocus and work on the next one but what if you set yourself up for something that isn’t in relation to? Or even better the never-ending push and drive.

I know you’re thinking what the heck something that can never be achieved, yes.

There has always been the adage that if you reach for the moon and miss at least you’ll end up between the stars, or something like that. But think of it if you miss you might even suffocate in space (yes that’s a quote too!)

I have really started thinking that why reach for the stars when there are so much more what if you reach the stars and you, all alone in the sky, or even worse you end up on the dark side of the moon.

Why not reach as high as you can today, and then double that tomorrow and then some more the day after. No more limitations. No result but continuous improvement.

Yes, it definitely is attainable and yet never-ending take the 1% better every day, you can keep improving and improving and improving (I can go on) imagine you get so much further and better than ever anticipated because the driver isn’t about anything more than all you are!