You must stand for something! | Brand Knowledge

And then build upon that to become the brand your customers need but more so the brand your customers deserve.

It is quite relevant then to also think of what space your brand fills in your market, nope you are not for everyone, and if you align your brand with a different audience than the one you speak to, you will have a mismatch in attaining the brand status you wish to achieve.

Just as much as living your brand purpose so is delivering your brand (as a whole, values, services, experience) but also delivering your brand to the right audience.

If there is a gaping open hole or mismatch you will not be able to fully take advantage of what you and your brand stand for in servicing the audience your brand speaks to.

It’s quite an essential part of the placement, tone, and discussion topics. I believe that the quintessential starting point to deliver the best service is finding the perfect match has it be values match, expectations, and deliverables match.

I can conclude that there will be some creep, between your deliverables and the expectation but if managed correctly and targeted to the correct ears your outcomes will be way more efficient and received in a much better light than if you deliver to an unmatched audience and unmanaged experience.

Very tricky notions to keep in mind when you craft away at your next post or video or even worse next service or product delivery. This I believe is the starting foundation of where your business needs to more than fulfill the needs but also find the right mix of shared values and audience.

The question would then be are you using the right method to get your voice out or are you merely trying to hook as much as you can?

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